From a divination ritual in PGM II, 1-64
“Phoibos, Helper through your oracles,
Come joyous, Son of Lêtô, Far-shooter, Averter,
hither come, hither, come hither!
Foretell, give prophecies amid night’s hour (…)
Laêtônion and Tabaraôth Aeô Eô, lord Apollo Paian,
who controls this night and is master of it,
who rules the hour of the prayer, too.
Come, mighty daimons, help me today by truly speaking together with the son of Lêtô and Zeus.”
Add also the following which is to be written on laurel leaves, and together with the strip of papyrus on which the Headless One is drawn, it is to be placed beside your head, rolled up. It is to be spoken also to the lamp after you come in from the prayer, before going to bed, after you have placed a lump of frankincense in the wick of the lamp.
Translation: Following K. Preisendanz, Papyri Graecae Magica, vol. 1, 1928, pp. 20-21.