Online Workshop: Ancient Greek in the Magical Papyri, December 7+8


The workshop comprises 4 sessions of ca. 2,5 hours each, plus about 30 minutes extra for the final Q&A session plus breaks. Two sessions are held on saturday and two sessions on sunday. The saturday sessions last about 6,25 hours and the sunday sessions 6,75 hours. You can find a detailed schedule below.

Date & Price

Date: December 7+8 2024
December 7: 5pm – 11.15pm CET => 9am – 3.15pm PDT => 12pm – 6.15pm EDT (6,25 hours)
December 8: 5pm – 11.45pm CET => 9am – 3.45pm PDT => 12pm – 6.45pm EDT (6,75 hours)

10,5 hours + breaks, small groups with mx. 15 participants

Price: 199,00€, Thoth & Maat  and Creator Patrons: 185,00€

What you will learn

During this online workshop you will learn:

  • The Greek alphabet and numerals and their use in rituals and isopsephy
  • Fundamental technical terminology in ancient magic: Meaning, role and application
  • How to invoke Higher Powers in ancient Greek
  • „Voces Magicae“ – What they are and how selected voces magicae are interpreted

I will teach you based on examples from the Greek Magical Papyri. In addition there will be about 20 minutes of practical work and a follow up discussion in each session.

The workshop takes place over two days. At the end of day one you will receive links to a variety of interactive learning material I have created to train your newly gained knowledge. This material will be accessible for about 4 weeks following the workshop.

At the end of the workshop you will get a pdf-booklet with a summary of what you have learned and useful tables plus a bibliography including links to free online resources for further studies.

How to enroll

Send me an email to that you would like to enroll in the workshop.

How to pay

The workshop fee can be paid in Euros with paypal or SEPA credit transfer. You will receive the details once you have sent me an email and were enrolled in the workshop.


Saturday First Session (2,5 + 1 hrs)

Lecture 1: 45 min.
Q&A: 15 min.
Interactive task: 20 min.
Q&A: 10 min.

Short break: 15 min.

Lecture 2: 30 min.
Interactive task: 10 min.
Final Q&A: 20 min.

Break: 45 min.

Saturday Second Session (2,5 hrs. + 15 min. break)

Lecture: 45 min.
Q&A: 15 min.
Interactive task: 20 min.
Q&A: 10 min.

Short break: 15 min.

Lecture: 30 min.
Interactive task: 10 min.
Q&A: 10 min.

Final Q&A and Discussion: 10+ min.

Homework 🙂

Sunday First Session (2,5 + 1 hrs)

Lecture 1: 45 min.
Q&A: 15 min.
Interactive task: 20 min.
Q&A: 10 min.

Short break: 15 min.

Lecture 2: 30 min.
Interactive task: 10 min.
Final Q&A: 20 min.

Break: 45 min.

Sunday Second Session (3 hrs. + 15 min. break)

Lecture 1: 45 min.
Q&A: 15 min.
Interactive task: 20 min.
Q&A: 10 min.

Short break: 15 min.

Lecture 2: 30 min.
Interactive task: 15 min.
Q&A: 15 min.

Final Q&A and Discussion: 30 min.

Homework 🙂


Refund Policy

If you want to cancel the workshop 30 days ahead of the first session you have various options:

  • You can re-schedule and just choose a different date when the workshop is offered. Re-scheduling is free.
  • You can choose a different workshop which has the same fee.
  • You can cancel your participation completely and will be refunded the workshop fee minus 20,00€ for fees (paypal fees, exchange fees, administration fees) if you are from outside the EU. If you live within the EU you will be refunded the workshop fee minus 10,00€ for fees.

If you want to cancel the workshop less than 30 days up to 10 days ahead of the first session:

  • You can re-schedule and just choose a different date when the workshop is offered.
  • You can choose a different workshop which has the same fee.
  • You can cancel your participation completely and will be refunded 75% of the workshop fee.
  • If there is someone taking up your place you will be refunded 80% of the workshop fee.

If you want to cancel the workshop less than 10 days ahead of the first session:

  • You can cancel your participation completely and will be refunded 20% of the workshop fee.
  • If there is someone taking up your place you will be refunded 80% of the workshop fee.